Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

Life-Giving Rhythms: The Value of Daily Rhythms that Sustain and Ground Us

As you consider rhythms, think about rhythms through the lens of noticing what is most LIFE-GIVING for you. In this way, you are pondering what you need most each day for sustenance and then prioritizing it. Just as flowers need sunlight, nutrition, and nurturing each day to grow and thrive, what do you need?

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Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

Let's Talk Feelings: Both Permission to Feel & Containment Strategies for Overwhelming Feelings

This sounds like the last thing you might hear from a counselor, yet there is something to this. For many of us and in different seasons, particularly of heartbreak, grief, and trauma felt so profoundly, it is so difficult to withstand the degree of feeling emotions AT ALL TIMES.This is relevant when feelings are so intense that it's like you are living in the full force of feeling all things, all the time. In this way, it can actually be healthy and purposeful to take a break, to give yourself permission not to feel. This is like realizing that you do not have to attend to all things equally all the time.In an extreme sense, this can look like numbing out, but this is not about numbing, it's more about intentional breaks related to CONTAINMENT. Containment is about trusting that there is a place that big feelings can be temporarily held.

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