Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

Reading with Children: A Daily Rhythm that Grounds and Connects Us

Around our homes and daily lives we have rhythms too, rhythms that ground and connect us to ourselves, to each other, and to the world around us. Rhythms are something that we can count on and trust, and rhythms hold us up and can help us breathe when other things might feel like they are falling apart. Rhythms can be as simple and mundane as saying good morning, making your bed, brushing your teeth, and nourishing your body, yet they are significant…

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Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

Reading and Wellness: The Life-Giving Practice of Reading and How it Supports Well-Being

Yet, her question stuck with me, like holding up a mirror. Am I making space to take care of myself? How can I make room to read because it is something I so enjoy? How is my own mental health and wellness?

A theme that comes up in my work often is that of paying attention to what is life-giving. When something is life-giving, it has the power to refresh us, to energize us, to relax us, to inspire us, to grow us, to nurture us.

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