Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

Attunement & Productivity: Learning to Care for Ourselves Well Amidst All the Tasks

So much of our lives are focused on checklists, productivity, responsibilities, and things we need to accomplish. All of these things typically are purposeful, and it certainly feels great to check things off and feel like we are moving forward whether at work or around the home or more broadly with life goals. Yet, sometimes we go about this focus with tunnel vision at the expense of ourselves.

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Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

The Goodness of Rest: The Invitation to Rest and Be Rejuvenated

On paper there was nothing “productive” about it. It meant pressing pause to the endless checklist of what needs to be done for the home, for our kids, and for work, yet it was nurturing on the soul level. While rest can be so difficult to access and make room for, maybe it really is as simple as saying yes–yes to ourselves and to our souls, yes to our faith and what really grounds us, and yes to connection both with ourselves and others.

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Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

Navigating Living Grief: Validating and Mourning Losses that Often Feel Invisible

Grief touches our lives and pierces our hearts in various ways. Traditionally, grief is interpreted as loss through death, yet the reality of grief is that it can be over so many different things. Often these losses have nothing to do with death and yet may be incredibly profound yearnings for what was or what could have been. The term “living grief” is helpful for being able to name and validate such losses. In exploring the concept of living grief, we name the less tangible. This helps us to make sense of things.

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Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

Strengthening Relationships through Secure Attachment: Connection to Ourselves and Others

Attachment is formed early in our lives, highlighting the significant role that parents and caretakers have in connecting securely with their own children, yet the good news is that just because attachment is formed early, we do not have to be stuck in relationship patterns. There is hope for healing, insight, growth, change, and practice, so that more healthy attachment becomes the norm. In essence, moving towards secure attachment is always available and accessible. The invitation is there. It is possible.

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Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

Our Ideals and Our Reality: Letting Go of Perfection & Yet Still Aspiring

It is so good to long for good things. Ideals are purposeful and not to be dismissed. Should we not strive for peace, kindness, order, and love in our homes and in the world? Yet, what do we do with the continual dynamic of facing the reality of what is when our ideals are not manifested? ...When our ideals do not come to fruition...when we are left with pain and deep, deep disappointment, heartbreak, grief, and despair.

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Burton PLLC Burton PLLC

Decision Making Reflections

There is great freedom in beginning to understand that while decisions matter, so does the journey. Even if our original decisions end up not being the lasting course that we stick to, they are not made in vain.

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